Summer Camp 2018 – Week 3

Summer Camp 2018 – Week 3

The first two weeks of the Summer Camp 2018, held at the Sport and Fitness Centre, University of Birmingham, not only have they flown past but they have also been a massive success. Kristian Roebuck in week 1, along with Julia Mann. Lorraine Cole was overseeing all of the sessions. Week 2, Lorraine and Dave Prior ran the sessions. Week 3 of the Summer Camp 2018 sees Fontaine Chapman (recently married so now Wright), taking grip of the situation hopefully smashing it.Julia Mann is back along with Lorraine Cole.

To date between 34 and 39 players have taken to court most days of the Summer Camp 2018. Most sessions see at least 6 coaches in the room giving the players help and advise on techniques, movement, tactics.  With still two weeks to go if you are luck and don’t want to miss out there are still a couple of places left. See HERE for full details.

West Midlands Summer Camp 2018 – Where players just get better.

Just over a Week to go………Excited

Who’s excited about the Summer Camp?

With just over a week to go players and coaches are getting excited about the Summer Camp. Some players are travelling from west of the country Wales and east of the country Norfolk to attend the West Midlands Performance Centre annual Summer Camp.

SIX weeksGuess coaches are lined up to for three out of the four weeks, each bringing their own individual skills and knowledge for the sessions they are running. So each week will be different. Although the sessions will cover singles, doubles movement and tactics, there will of course be technical training for techniques. At the end of the day players will walk away with better skill and techniques and more knowledge.

All this is hosted at the fabulous Sport and Fitness Centre, University of Birmingham, B15 7TT. Fabulous facilities and the main hall has 12 badminton courts.

Excitement is rising with 10 days to go. Although the deadline hascome and gone there are odd places left.

Contact Lorraine Cole – Head Coach – 07966 142196

SIX weeks to go to the Summer Camp 2018

The WMPC Summer Camp 2018 is just over six weeks away…..Can you believe it….?SIX weeks

It has been almost a year since the August 2017 Summer Camp and now it is six weeks away. Hopefully you have got your places booked on to the three days of four weekly training sessions. Each day consists of four hours training, guaranteed to tier you out and make you ache………..BUT more than anything it as the PC’s logo say is ‘Where badminton players just get better’. For full details and booking forms Click HERE.

So in six weeks time are you going to be there? If not why not? You do know it makes sense! Last year saw players from as far as Gwent, Norfolk, Lancashire and Essex. We have had at our Whitsun Camp, players from Cornwall and Wales so it must be good if they are coming back.

So don’t leave it SIX weeks before you book you place(s). DO IT NOW

U13 Bronze Tournament March 2018

West Midlands PC host snow threatened Tournament March 2018

Under 13 Bronze tournament March 2018 was heavily threaten by snow building up to the tournament date of 4th. The ‘siberian beast’ nearly caused a casualty. With a heavy entry of around 65 players all under 13. Bad weather was forecast but with players travelling from as far away as Cornwall, Nottinghamshire, Buckinghamshire and Yorkshire, West Midlands PC were reluctant to cancel.

Most folks set of earlier that normal to make the journey there. The a full on day of badminton was seen and all done by the time the centre close at 6.00pm. A couple of ‘Thank you’s go to Richard Jones (Connor’s dad) whos help behind the desk and keeping the score board up to day, massive help. Uma Reddy (Akash’s dad) on suttle control, keeping you guys in order and limiting the knocks. AND of course young Sam White (a PC coach), it was his first tournament behind the desk.

That aside we got through approximately 170 games yesterday without any major problems. An almost close injury, couple of scoring disputes and line call queries, but nothing major. A few tears here and there, but soon forgotten. So a relatively easy day in that respect.

Lucca and Venus – Silver WD

The WMPC saw the following medals for their players.
Lucca Modin – Gold – LS Plate and Silver – LD
Akash Reddy – Bronze – MS Plate
Well done to all the PC’s up and coming stars for participating in the event.




Lucca – Gold WS Plate

FYI – Parents. The Tournament Organisers job can be made so very difficult, IF, you don’t let them know your arrival times OR when you leave the building during a break in your play. We are always willing to help and accommodate IF we know. Communication is the key.

Akash – Bronze MS Plate

PC v. Tudor Grqnge – 22.10.2017

Solihull Junior League WMPC v Tudor Grange
Sunday 22 October 2017

Langley School

Second match and we play Tudor Grange sees four PC members turned up early at the second of the Solihill Junior League games and a different venue from the first match.
Raring to go we picked the court for the evening. We were one of the first teams there so we waited patiently for the opposition.
Tudor Grange’s team manager walked straight over to say hello, fellow self employed coach, Steve Kiernan who I had not seen for a couple of years. So we did a bit of catching up whilst the boys knocked up and we filled the score sheet in.
Down to business and Ethan and Toby went on for their first game. Best of three games and with a comfortable opening game beating the Tudor grange first pair in two games to take the rubber. Then Charlie and Joe took to court. Not quote such a fast start but once they got going a good game, settling in nicely. Again in two games to give us two rubbers.
There pairings stay the same for the second round but our second pair play the first pair from Tudor. Grange and vice versa (our first play their seconds). Mot quiet so comfortable but we came though the second round of games unscathed, with another two rubbers.
Third round not quiet as easy. The pairing changes (as per the format) and our no. 1 player pairs up with our 3rd player, whilst no. 2 plays with no. 4. Now on two courts al four players took to court. Toby and Charlie made light work of the opposition moving them around and generally putting them under pressure. Joe and Ethan won the first game but the opposition fought back in the second taking the game 22-20 to Tudor Grange, one game all. Sorted themselves out in the last game to give us an overall win on rubber 6-0. Well done guys here’s to the next one.

PC v. Uni-T – 8.10.2017

Solihull Junior League – WMPC v. Uni-T
Sunday 8th October 2017
Lode Heath School.

The first match of the season for the WMPC junior team against Uni-T. The team consisted of 4 players, Toby, Ethan, Zak and Charlie. As a team they played extremely well. Although at times they got annoyed at each other and became frustrated. They did managed to keep going and get a 4-2 (rubbers) win overall.

Well done to Charlie and Zak for winning some key games that allowed us to win the match overall. Overall, all the games came extremely close and often went to 3 sets. The opposition hit very hard and when given the opportunity attacked the shuttle and some were very successful. Our PC players managed to counteract the attack by not lifting the Shuttle to them as often and really looking to attack them Uni-T’s shots instead. Well done to everyone. Under match conditions they played great together as a team and well done for winning the match.

Badminton SMASH hit in Birmingham

Summer Camp smash hit will all the players………

Summer Camp Week ONEWeek ONE of the Summer Camp, at the University of Birmingham’s NEW sport and fitness centre, proved to be a SMASH HIT for the West Midlands Performance Centre.

This annual event’s first week, saw in excess of 40 badminton players, aged from as young as three years old to a gentleman in his thirties, participate in the badminton Summer Camp. The first week was run over four days and not only included routines, covering the different shots, lift, drop, net etc…. it covered singles and doubles rotation, technical advice to improve individual techniques, but I think for most the footwork to music was the biggest smash hit with all the players. Footwork to music was held in the impressive dance studio at the Sport and Fitness Centre, even for all passers by to see from Edgbaston Park Road. The two hour session was lead by Julia Mann (England and GB coach) who demonstrated each routine for the players to follow and practice.

There are still two weeks left of the Summer Camp w/c 14th and w/c 21st. Now with only limited places left. If you are quick booking forms can be found HERE

Redditch Badminton Summer Camp

Junior badminton in Redditch…………..Summer Camp

Redditch badmintonRedditch and Bromsgrove council are working with the West Midlands Performance Centre and running a 3 day Summer Camp in Redditch. Lorraine Cole will be at the Abbey stadium in Redditch for the 3 day camp, coaching children of all ages how to play badminton. More details can be found HERE on the Redditch BC website along with how to book.

Don’t miss this golden opportunity from August 1st to August 3rd, 9.00am till 3.00pm. Three days of badminton from the WMPC Head Coach. Abbey Staduim Redditch.

Interested then why not pop along and see what it is all about. Book places HERE.

Massive Congratulations

Congratulations to PC players at the Nationals…………..!

Players from the West Midlands Performance Centre receive congratulations as they step up to collect their medals from Nathan Robertson. This weeks Under 15 England Nationals Championships 2016 at Redbridge Leisure Centre saw players from the PC collect silver and gold medals. Well done. Check out the full results HERE.

Kiara Henry (WMPC player) and Abbygael Harris win silver medals in the level doubles. (Photos supplied by Kiara’s dad).

Asmita Chaudari (WMPC player) and her level doubles partner Hope Warner win the gold. (Photos upplied by Asmita’s mom).

Asmita Chaudari (WMPC player) and her mixed doubles partner Harry Huang win the gold. (Photos upplied by Asmita’s mom).

National Medals

Kiara and Abbygael


National Medals

Asmita and Hope

National Medals

Asmita and Harry

Developing Team 2 – Manchester Inter PC

Did the Developing Team 1 and/or Team 2 follow in the Raw Teams footstep from yesterday?

As with the Raw yesterday we were hoping that this year the DEV groups would yield success for the WMPC. This year we entered two DEVELOPING teams on Sunday 12th July.

Team 1 – Amy Gravett, Kiara Henry, Selina Liang and Ed Groves.
Team 2 Sam White, Chris Maneffa, Joe Ball and Matt Bickerton.

Same Rules as yesterday players ranked in singles ability (see Raw Teams HERE) etc. The start was scheduled for the same time as Saturday, but with less teams, start of play was a little more laid back. Most of the players being a little older meant the early start was not so much of a shock to the system and players were keen to get on with it.
Team 1 with 4 in the group saw opponents Potteries, Cumbria 1 and Bolton. Match results saw 3-2, 1-4 and 0-5. Team 1 was first up whilst Team 2 spectated and supported big style. It was commented on my other teams how good the support and encouragement from the side line was.The first two games we’re hard fought. Evey point was worked hard for and won. They went in to the last game needing to win to stand a chance. However, one of the team members fell ill and was unable to play. With a team member down it was impossible. We changed the team round and other team members played knowing that their scores would not count but still they played and played well. Doing themselves proud. At the end of the match it was time to go home and they could travel home knowing they had played some great games.
Team 2, their draw saw Cheshire 2 (an all girls team), Bolton 1 and Merseyside. Match results 5-0, 5-0 and 3-2. First up Cheshire, the girls played well and pushed the lads hard. The lads kept their cool, stayed focused and although the girls battled for every point the strength of the boys prevailed for the win. Bolton saw some closer scores with one game going to 23-21, well done Sam and Matt. All on the last game as Merseyside had also won two matches. If we won this one it was though to the play offs. Everything to play for. Joe was up first and wow what a singles game. Two points one way, two points the other way, 20 all. Every point counts Joe was just pipped 23-25 a well played game from both sides long rallies, waiting for the right moment and the right shot to win the point. Chris and Sam up next they stayed focused to win 21-15. Matt up next for the second singles, a whippet springs to mind running from side to side to get each shot back. Worth every step to deservedly take the win at 21-19. Joe and Sam up next a good game but the opponents experience partnership shine through to win 15-21. This left the match at 2 games all. Everything was on the last end. Chris and Matt stepped on to court, everything to play for. The first half saw the lads 6-11 down, but a quick pep talk and they went out all guns blazing. Long rallies with Matt on the floor diving for the shuttle to get it back. What team work and determination fighting for every point to triumph with a fabulous 21-17 win. Team managers shock hands with the comment of ‘that match could have been the final’. Everything that you wanted to see.

Team 2 Deserved Broze

Team 2 Deserved Broze

So through to the play-offs, if nothing else we are guaranteed a Bronze, first up the lads meet Cumbria. Very close games put us 2-1 up. It was all on the doubles we just needed one game. Two very close games, losing both to 19 and 16. Overall 2-3 to Cumbria. Now to redeem ourselves taking on Manchester. Although after two games we were 0-2 down both games lost to 19. So not a lot in it really. I think the early start and long hard matches were starting to take its toll. Lost the next two games but Matt and Chris fought back in the last game to make it 1-4. So Bronze it was, well deserved I thought. Well done lads and thank you for making my job easy. So proud of all of the teams. Both of the Raw teams and both of the Developing teams. Heres to next year.