Just over a Week to go………Excited

Who’s excited about the Summer Camp?

With just over a week to go players and coaches are getting excited about the Summer Camp. Some players are travelling from west of the country Wales and east of the country Norfolk to attend the West Midlands Performance Centre annual Summer Camp.

SIX weeksGuess coaches are lined up to for three out of the four weeks, each bringing their own individual skills and knowledge for the sessions they are running. So each week will be different. Although the sessions will cover singles, doubles movement and tactics, there will of course be technical training for techniques. At the end of the day players will walk away with better skill and techniques and more knowledge.

All this is hosted at the fabulous Sport and Fitness Centre, University of Birmingham, B15 7TT. Fabulous facilities and the main hall has 12 badminton courts.

Excitement is rising with 10 days to go. Although the deadline hascome and gone there are odd places left.

Contact Lorraine Cole – Head Coach l.m.cole@bham.ac.uk – 07966 142196

April 2018 – Easter Camp

FYI Badminton player…….April 2018 Badminton camp over Easter.

Due to the success of previous badminton camps , the West Midlands Performance Centre is running badminton training during April 2018, over the Easter break.

The new Sport and Fitness Centre, at the University of Birmingham is the fabulous venue where the training takes place. Two hours in the morning with a break to recuperate and re-fuel, ready for the afternoon session.

If you enjoyed the last one the bookon to this one and why not bring a friend or your doubles partner.

Several coaches will be in the hall to deliver the daily programme to the various smaller groups during the day.

All the details can be found HERE along with booking forms. Places will be limited so get in quick. Booking deadline is 28 March 2018.

24 hours

HOT DOG –  24 HOURS before the Summer Camp starts.

24 hoursAugust 7th is less that 24 hours away. The first day of what is planned to be a fabulous training camp over the Summer.

Three weeks start tomorrow. If you have not booked on and you can not make it tomorrow then book for next week, starting 14th August, or even the week after.

Julia Mann is working with Lorraine Cole (Head Coach at the PC) both X England players, so you tell me how good is it going to be. Awesome springs to mind. SnC, Footwork to music, Nutrition are just tasters….(no punn intended) for the contecnt of the camp.

And to top that it is at the NEW Sport and Fitness Centre at the University of Birmingham. Get there early so you can have a look round the center. Impressive…!


West Midlands Performance Centre Summer Camp for 2017.

48 hours

EXCITEMENT –  42 HOURS before the Summer Camp starts.

48 hoursEnjoy your weekend while you can as Monday morning, August 7th 10.00am I will be there to see the start. West Midlands Performance Centre starts its three weeks, of four days a week and four hours a day training. Hope you are as excited as I am.

Lorraine Cole is not only working with Julia Mann (GB and England team squad coach) but has other guest coaches running sessions during the three weeks. Learn what to eat and when, how to warm up properly, mentally prepare yourself for an important match…..and much more.

The sessions are over eight courts in the new hall, at the University of Birmingham’s NEW sport and fitness centre. Impressive building with lots going on and a Costa coffee on site. Spend a little time get there early and have a look round. If you have not yet chosen which university you want to attend then see what is on offer.

72 hours

GETTING EVEN CLOSER –  72 HOURS before the Summer Camp starts.

72 hoursThe suspense is getting to me now. I have to wait the whole weekend before the West Midlands Performance Centre’s Summer Camp starts on  Monday 7th August, 10.00am prompt.

Would be worth arriving a little early so that you can have a wonder around the impressive Sport and Fitness Centre, University of Birmingham. Might inspire you to do a little more fitness……!

Lorraine Cole has written a three week program and is working with the likes of Julia Mann – GB Team and England squad coach, in not only for the Summer camp but to the PC on a permanent basis.

There will be sessions that cover Single, some that cover Doubles and others that cover mixed doubles. Not only the footwork, movement and balance but tactics, positional play and much more.

MORE details can be found HERE along with booking forms for those of us that are a little behind with their booking.


CLOSER and CLOSER – ONE week left before the Summer Camp starts.

ONEOMG, ONE week to go………….!  Are you ready for Monday 7th August 2017 when the one and only Infamous West Midlands Performance Centre Summer Camp starts. Along with Lorraine Cole, JULIA MANN (GB and England coach) will be supporting Lorraine in the training sessions during the three week schedule. You need to be prepared to work hard as there will be NO prisoners, these sessions will be well SICK……….LOL.

If you are signed up to the camp then consider putting in to practice all that training by entering the SENIOR Bronze (where you can enter ALL three disciplines). AND/OR enter the TEAM TOURNAMENT (4 players per team with a combination of male and female), something different for the Summer……!

Comments from resent Summer Camp participates as they talk to Peter Clegg, Andy WainwrightJoe and Keerti.

All looks and sounds inviting, then don’t waste any time as there is less that one week to the camp………. Then enter yourself into one or both of the tournaments.

TWO – Weeks to GO

YES – ONLY TWO weeks left before the Summer Camp starts.

TWOTime is running out  as August 7th is less that TWO weeks away. The first day of the infamous West Midlands Performance Centre Summer Camp for 2017 is getting closer.

Lots going on in August………..!

Not only is there the three week coaching at the summer camp but there is also the TEAM Tournament on August 19th and then the SENIOR Bronze on August 20th giving you a badminton packed weekend. This weekend is where you can (in some cases) put in to practice all the skills and training that you have picked u from the likes of JULIA MANN. Yes, Julia Mann the coach that trained the GB and England players. Bringing all of her knowledge and a different coaching skills to all three week of the Summer Camp.

Less that two weeks and all this can be yours. Details along with booking forms can be found HERE.

THREE Weeks to go

With less that THREE weeks before the Summer Camp starts.

THREEAugust 7th see the first day of the Infamous West Midlands Performance Centre Summer Camp for 2017.

Full details of the WMPC Summer Camp can me found HERE.

Talking about top notch training Julia Mann, one Badminton England’s GB and England coaches will be leading the camp this year. So your training/coaching will be of the highest quality. Do you really want to miss this?………..NO! 

Some of the players who have booked on to the Camp are also making the most of their visit my entering the Senior Bronze Tournament. Enter the tournament HERE from the Badminton England site. Where you can enter ALL three disciplines (Singles, Doubles and MIXED). Alternatively enter the PC’s TEAM competition. Check out the website for details.
All of the events are being held at the University of Birmingham’s NEW sport and Fitness centre.

With less that three weeks to go you can not afford to waste any time……………….!