Do you want Tickets for the NBL?

Tickets for the NBL matches are now available.NBL Tickets

Birmingham Lions serves to Team Derby at home in the NIA here in Birmingham on Monday 6 October. The NBL (National Badminton League) first match night is fast approaching and Birmingham Lions are hosts to Team Derby. Full details of the fixtures can be found HERE.

Watch NBL live as Sky are covering the match nights and some events can be seen live on one of the SKY sports channels. And/Or watch stream matches on the NBL site with a 24hour delay. More details HERE.

Tickets can be purchased by following the link HERE. For those a little more local to Birmingham or West Midland Performance Centre tickets can be purchase from Lorraine Cole see the contact page.

Dont miss out on your NBLTicket!

National Badminton League Auction

The UK’s first ever NBL (national badminton league) event was held in Milton Keynes this week, it had representatives from six competing teams that were all playing their part in the auction to be top badminton talent in the country.
nbl auction
The auction was held at Stadium:MK on monday, 2nd june 2014 giving teams the chance to help shape their teams before the league starts live on T.V in October on Sky sports.

First national badminton league

Britain’s first national badminton league will begin in October with new rules and a new format.

Here in Birmingham, at the University Lorraine Cole Head coach (at both the University and for the West Midlands Performance Centre) has had a great deal to do with the newly formed Birmingham Lions. The team entered in to the National Badminton League. The National Badminton League (NBL) starts in September this year where 6 teams will compete against each other.

National Badminton LeagueBadminton England are introducing a new format for the National Badminton League to make it more exciting. Details are yet to be finalised and released.

Details of the National Badminton League can be found HERE on BBC sports or on the Badminton England site HERE.